Alexandria, VA

344 Commerce St.
Alexandria, VA 22314



Fax: 703-642-2846

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Questions? Please call our office at 703-642-9050 or toll-free at 1-800-901-TEMP.

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Performance-Based Management

Performance-Based Management is one the most important parts to the Ardelle Team�s Quality Control Program, which is documented in our QASP. The success of Performance-Based Management (PBM) can be allusive when applied to support services. No tangible product is necessarily created and some problems in support service do not necessarily need solving; therefore, the measurement criteria of a PBM is hard to define. We have developed and implemented a performance-based management system that is:

? Measurable�You can only improve what you measure

? Clear and Concise�You must keep it simple for it to work

? Able to Define Success�Incentives are tied to well-defined measures of success

? Flexible��One size does not fit all� � Must be able to change as requirements change

? Buy-In�From all stakeholders, including the people who do the work Able to Deliver Success