How to Get Paid
Download Payroll Schedule
Our Payroll Schedule shows the twenty-six payroll periods and all the dates you need for planning.Insert instructions on how to use the payroll information calendar
It also has a Bulletin Board that provides reminders for the current and upcoming payroll periods. The calendar at the right provides printable calendars that you can post as reminders.
When to Submit Your Timesheets
Submit your signed timesheet on the Monday following the last day of a payroll period, no later than 12.00 p.m. Eastern Time. We begin processing your payroll check immediately and it will be available to you for pickup, or mailed to you, or we will deposit the money to your direct deposit account.
How Federal Holidays Affect Timesheets
If Monday is a Federal Holiday, your timesheets are due on Tuesday by Noon Eastern Time.Monday Holidays do not affect the rest of the payroll cycle.
How to Get and Fill-Out and Submit Your Timesheets
The Timesheet Page
- Go to the Timesheet Page.
- Select the pay period (there are 26 of them.)
- Download and open the two-page timesheet (one page for each of the two weeks in the pay period.)
- Print the timesheet.
- Fill in your start time and stop time for each day.
- Fill in the amount of time you took for breaks and lunch.
- At the end of the pay period, ask you supervisor to review and approve the two weekly timesheets.
- Fax the timesheets to AA Temps�the Facsimile Number is 866-598-3024.
- You may receive a printed confirmation from your fax machine, and that usually means that our Payroll Department has received it�but if the check is really important, do not bet on it. To insure that your hours have been received and logged, please confirm that AA Temps has received it.
Two Ways to Confirm
- Call 703-642-9050 and tell our Payroll Manager Stephanie Williams�or leave a voice mail�that you have faxed the signed timesheet.
- or send an e-Mail to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it and put �Timesheet fax confirmation� in the subject line. Stephanie will respond with a confirmation.
Keep a Copy
Always keep a copy of your signed and completed timesheet for your own personal records.Releasing Your Paycheck
We cannot release your paycheck if you have submitted an unsigned timesheet.How Do You Want US to Deliver Your Money?
Three Ways
On your timesheet, you can tell us how you want your check delivered:
- Mailed to your address that we have on file�let us know if you have moved!
- You will pick it up at one of our offices
- You want someone else to pick up your check
Some Important Details
If you do not tell us how you want your check delivered, we will simply put it in the mail to your address of record.Sometimes associates request a different method of delivery on the first and second timesheet. We assume that the second timesheet is correct, and that is how we deliver your check.
When Can You Pick Up Your Checks?
You (or someone you designate) can pick up your check any time after 2 pm on Tuesdays or Thursdays from our offices.Can Someone Pick Up My Check For Me?
It is easy! If you are unable to come to one of our offices to pick up your check and would like someone else to pick it up for you, just email Stephanie Williams at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . You will need to provide the name of the person that will be picking up the check. The person picking up the check other than the associate will need to provide an id to verify it is them.
Here�s what she needs. This form (download it, fill it out, and print it now�or see the GetPaid Page later on) shows that you request a specific person to pick up your check. That person will need to provide us with a photo�we will never release your check without it! Use their full name, please.